What is PBIS?

What is PBIS?
PBIS stands for "Positive Behavior Interventions and Support" and is the program Hamilton K-8 and many schools in Hemet Unified have adopted to promote social skills among students and encourage a more positive school climate.
What Does PBIS Look Like?
PBIS in action is fairly simple.  At Hamilton students are taught behavioral expectations and social skills during brief classroom lessons.  These lessons teach students how to explicitly meet expectations and the steps necessary for each skill.  This removes ambiguity and ensures that students understand what the expected behavior is.  Research has shown that students are better able to meet expectations when they have been clearly defined for them, rather than when they are left to define them on their own. You will see posters on our campus clearly stating what the expectations for certain areas are.  
What social skills are taught and what school rules are students expected to follow?  
16 Social Skills                                                                                          
1. Following instructions                                                      9. Minding your own business
2. Accepting criticism or a consequence                            10. Asking for help
3. Accepting "no" for an answer                                          11. Asking permission
4. Resisting peer pressure                                                  12. Staying on task
5. Getting the teacher's attention                                        13. Giving criticism 
6. Disagreeing appropriately                                               14. Working with others
7. Making an apology                                                          15. Listening
8. Waiting your turn                                                             16. Using appropriate voice tone
Incentives for following expectations:                              Consequences for NOT following expectations:
Praise                                                                                     Verbal corrective
Cool Cat Cash                                                                        Low Level Referral
Red tickets to go into the Dairy Queen drawing                     Discipline Referral
Recognition over the Morning Message                                 PBIS Lessons Class
Monthly PBIS Pep Rallies                                                       Suspension/Expulsion