Hamilton K-8 School Banners

Hemet Unified School District staff is dedicated to ensure students are college and career ready when they graduate high school. Staff are consistently coming up with new ideas to get students to think about their futures. Hamilton K-8 School decided the best way to get students to think about their future is to inspire them! 

Along the fences of Hamilton K-8 are banners of former students who are currently active in the military or attending college. Each banner has a picture of a former Hamilton student, a description of which branch of the military or college they are attending, and a phrase like “Great things start at Hamilton K-8.”

Principal Carol Robilotta said she wanted to show students how many of the school’s former students go to college. Some of the current Hamilton K-8 students would be the first in their family to attend college, and Robilotta wanted to show them that this is an attainable goal. 

Since hanging the banners, community members have reached out to staff to get their former Hamilton K-8 student on a banner. Robilotta said students must be currently enrolled in the military of college. If your child attended Hamilton K-8 and meets these requirements, please contact the  office staff. Robilotta intends on presenting the students with their banner once they graduate college or complete their military career. 

Thank you Hamilton K-8 staff on creating a fun and exciting way of getting students to think about their future!